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The operation of a modern business is largely based on its people. Beyond productive and profitable business activity and social responsibility actions, our Members consider the development of human resources as in important priority. The employees demonstrate high professionalism and possess technical expertise.
Proper and efficient operation, maintenance and upgrading of the production facilities, research and technological development, as well as customer care, require personnel with the appropriate technical expertise and experience.
Our Members implement policies of continuous training, evaluation and development of their staff and offer competitive remuneration while excluding, in accordance with Greek and European legislation, discrimination based on gender, age, race, color, religion, nationality, disability or any other recognized category and apply an equal opportunities policy.
The health and safety of people during work is of the highest value for our Members. For this purpose, procedures for safe work are continuously developed and improved, those who are going to deal with a subject are trained in advance and continuously, while the principle of everyone’s responsibility for the safety of themselves and their colleagues is promoted. Furthermore, the state of health of the employees is systematically monitored.