Global trends

The cement market is mainly influenced by the significant increase in construction activities around the world. Due to rapid population growth and urbanization, there has been a significant increase in demand for housing buildings, while at the same time the development of major infrastructure projects worldwide, especially in emerging economies, acts as another important factor in the growth of the cement industry.

In the last five years there has been a significant increase by 160% in cement imports to Europe from countries outside the EU, with a parallel decrease in production within the EU, despite the free allocation of emission allowances (EU Emissions Trading System). Especially for 2020, the increase reached 25%, with this trend being more evident in countries located on international trade routes (more information is provided here), including Greece.

In addition, the shift to sustainable development has placed the focus on sustainable construction and the integration of the circular economy into the production process. The escalation of demand for “green” buildings has led to an increase in sales of sustainability-oriented products, whose production is characterized by reduced CO2 emissions, the use of alternative fuels and raw materials as well as better waste management, with the aim of minimizing environmental footprint. This trend is encouraged by the latest changes in the regulatory and legislative framework, both at European level (e.g., European Green Deal), and globally, through various initiatives (e.g. United Nations Environment Programme).