Climate and energy

Cement is the second most used material after water. This fact highlights the need for a dynamic and coordinated effort to save energy and resources during its production and use, a major challenge in combating climate change.

The cement industry’s response to this  challenge comes at an accelerating pace. The companies within the sector have already introduced significant innovations in the production process of their products. The Greek companies follow a plan which is based on a joint Action Program formulated by the proposals of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA). It aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by investing significantly in innovative technologies and alternative fuels. In particular, the cement industry’s climate change strategy focuses, among others at:


Energy efficiency
(energy management).


(the simultaneous energy recovery and materials’ recycling through the utilization of alternative raw materials as well as at clinker production)


Production of cements
with reduced clinker content.

Reduction of CO2 emissions

At a European level, according to the Green Deal published in December 2019, the European Union aspires to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

This proposal is accompanied by the European Climate Law, which turns the political commitment into a legal obligation and an impetus for investment. At the same time, the Just Transition Mechanism will help leverage at least €100 billion over the period 2021-2027 in the most affected regions.

This course requires the implementation of intermediate goals. Thus, for 2030 CEMBUREAU, and by extension the Greek cement industry through its participation in CEMBUREAU, aspires to be in line with the Paris Agreement two degrees scenario, and proposes a 30% reduction in gross CO2 emissions and 40% along the value chain for cement and concrete.

More information is provided here: Cementing the European Green Deal.

CEMBUREAU 2050 roadmap: CO2 reductions along the cement value chain by 2050


Environmental Product Declarations

In the context of the continuous reduction of its environmental footprint, the Greek cement industry is paving the way for tomorrow’s construction industry to be innovative, climate neutral and to apply the principles of the circular economy. In particular, intending to operate with increased transparency regarding the environmental footprint of its products, the Greek cement industry is proceeding with Environmental Product Declaration for cement products, certified according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804.

Energy efficiency

The promotion of energy efficiency is a core condition, not only for dealing with climate change, but also for conserving natural resources, improving energy security and reducing the dependence on imported fossil fuels.

The cement industry, having committed to constantly invest in modern and innovative technologies, has achieved a lot in this field. A typical example is the long-term reduction in the consumption of both thermal energy (by 18% since 1990) and electricity (by 10% since 1990), with investments in technological equipment and optimization of production processes.

Last but not least, all three companies of the Greek cement industry have received certification for the Energy Management System they implement in accordance with the international standard ISO 50001.